Kindward Empowers

There are several kind things that you can do for people. Here are some ideas to get you started, and how our system works.


Join the Movement

We need your help in spreading kindness around the world. Become the better you & make a difference. Connect & contribute with acts of kindness. Send love and good vibes to the world.


Post Your Story

Share stories of kindness - performed, seen or imagined. Kindward acts that will drive the engine of positive change. Seen something unkind? Share your solution!


Pay It Forward

Collect K-notes that empower you to send free, cool gifts to your family, friends, colleagues or somebody you never met. Bring a smile to that unsuspecting face.

About Us

Moving Kindness Forward

Welcome to the Kindward community. You’ve arrived at a different type of social networking site. Our hope is that Kindward will move kindness forward – in our homes, schools, workplaces and communities. A kinder community leads to a kinder planet!

By sharing acts of kindness on our Kindward site, you are promoting and inspiring the many ways to show kindness and give back. You are contributing to a more benevolent world; a world focused on others. Our gifting program is one more way to support our pay it forward philosophy. Forwarding a gift helps spread kindness to those close to you, to new friends or to those in need. Start sharing your acts of kindness now.